Tom Ford may have toned down his sex talk since the early ’90s (at least a little), but designers are still finding new ways to wax poetic on the subject. Take Francesco Risso of Marni, for example, who titled his fall 2019 collection “Neuroerotik.” The idea was to train your brain to think differently about what is sexy. To “map new pleasurescapes,” as the show notes read.
Pixelated prints, for example, required taking a step back to see the face contained within. A utilitarian wool skirt suit was eroticized by leather boots and a chain belt. Risso even told a Vogue reporter backstage that she should “train her mind” to see a knee as a nipple. A knee as a nipple!
“Follow what the hormones suggest to you,” the notes continued. “Sabotage every behavior and misdirect respectability.” Okay! What about this bag from the collection? Leather? Metal handles? A depth that begs for mysterious contents? Say no more.