just be normal

Is It Normal to Be This Hot?

Photo: BBC

When reading Normal People, I couldn’t help but picture the novel’s smart, guarded female protagonist, Marianne, as Kate Moss, and its hunky but talented male lead, Connell, as Generic Man With Large Forehead. Well, the first images from the set of the novel’s TV adaptation are here and in both regards they do not disappoint. These normal people are hot as hell.

Apparently, author Sally Rooney felt the same, though perhaps not for my precise reasons. According to Esquire, the 28-year-old literary phenom said of walking onto set for the first time, “It’s like walking into the inside of my head.” Interesting that she should say so, given that Marianne is played by an actress named Daisy Edgar-Jones, who sort of looks like Sally Rooney circa 2016 and also like Dakota Johnson (the bangs really tie it together). Meanwhile Paul Mescal, the actor portraying Connell, would totally be the Rami Malek of his soccer league. Normal? You bet your sweet ass this is normal. I’m fanning myself with a paperback copy of Conversations With Friends to remain conscious through writing the rest of this blog!

Rooney told Vanity Fair over email about the show, which will premiere next year on Hulu and BBC, “My favourite scenes from the book generally took the form of conversations between the two protagonists — in abandoned houses, in apartment kitchens, in cars, and in bed. I’m excited to see those dynamics beginning to unfold in a new way on the screen.”

As am I! Here’s a sneak peek at your normal people, beginning with Connell having an existential crisis on the soccer field due to a combination of personal qualities — such as sensitivity, handsomeness, and athleticism — that make him devastatingly attractive to most people.

Photo: BBC

Next up, it’s Marianne. You can’t tell because she’s so dedicated to her studies, but she’s actually sleeping right now

Photo: BBC

Marianne awake …

Photo: BBC

Is it love or a commercial for bespoke deodorant? Why not both!

Photo: BBC
Is It Normal to Be This Hot?