
Outdoor gear and fashion might seem like a strange pairing, at least at first. But in reality, they can work together to create a low-key look that just works, both for the fashion-y people in your life and the ones who dress exclusively for comfort. Here, we’ve gone window-shopping at REI to choose our favorite gifts that strike the elusive balance between “stylish” and “utilitarian.” Read on for 11 gift ideas for those people on your list who’ll never sacrifice their comfort for looking cool.
Form and function unite in these brogue-inspired Chelsea boots, poised to claim a front-and-center spot in any closet.
Inspired by REI’s original slate of products from the 1930s, this soft plaid flannel definitely has weekend-in-the-woods energy.
Classic, cozy, and toasty, this rib-knit beanie is reporting for winter-uniform duty.
A “dress-down day” look can be topped off perfectly with this insulated jacket, which is mercifully not too puffy. Not to mention, it’s made from recycled materials.
Overalls might evoke playtime vibes, but this slim-fitting pair made of sturdy cotton twill is ready for work.
Modern upgrades give these classic Danner boots an added dose of comfort and stability. But just like the originals, this waterproof pair is designed to last.
Fact: Turtlenecks make people appear smarter, and sweaters make them more huggable. Help one lucky person become their nicest, most huggable self in this chunky knit with a fisherman’s stitch.
Frigid temps shouldn’t stop anyone from wearing a skirt. This mini is made of down, and it’s as insulating as the jacket it takes its cues from.
With clean lines and minimalist design, this wool backpack from Swedish brand Fjällräven is unassuming enough for the big-bag adverse.
Comfortable enough for city sidewalks, yet sturdy enough for off-pavement adventures, these lightweight high-tops are the sneakers we hoped we’d be wearing going into 2020.
Designed to stand up to cold wintry rain, this breathable, knee-length trench is like a full-body umbrella.
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