finer things

The Only Holiday Party Accessory You Need

This feathery Loewe headband will give you classy bangs.

Photo: Adam Kremer
Photo: Adam Kremer

To call this feathery Loewe accessory simply a “headband” feels unfair, because it’s so much more than that. It’s a party for your noggin! A crown for your cranium! A bird’s nest for your brain!

When you put it on, the headband’s plumage covers your entire head, giving the illusion of feathery fringe — a classier version of bangs. (Which you should also get.) It looks like something the Queen Mum might wear on The Crown. Or a winter accessory for someone who lives in the Hunger Games capital. Or maybe the Mad Hatter’s wife. Imagine stashing it in your desk drawer and pulling it out when it’s time for the office holiday party. “Oh, this old thing? It’s from Loewe’s 2019 runway show in Paris, of course.”

Loewe designer Anderson is known for his eccentric use of feathers. He’ll put them on everything from clothes to earrings. They give his collections a sense of organic earthiness, but also craft. If you can’t spare $1,300, you might be able to glue one together yourself.

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The Only Holiday Party Accessory You Need