boss babies

Stormi, Age 3, Is ‘Working on Her Own Brand’???

Stormi, baby executive Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Lately, it seems like every baby is a boss: Look at this little businessguy celebrating his recent merger in the corporate box, or this small law firm of a family made up primarily of child attorneys, or this very punctual toddler who collects expensive designer timepieces. Well, not to be outdone by her peers, Stormi Webster — the 3-year-old daughter of Lip Kit mogul Kylie Jenner and rapper Travis Scott — has a “brand” of her own in the works. That’s according to Kylie, who leaked the news in a three-part video promoting her cosmetic line’s makeover.

“She has her own office where she gets all her business done,” Kylie explained of budding executive Stormi, whose workspace boasts start-up-y features such as a slide and a personal ball pit. “She’s actually launching a little secret brand soon that we’ve been working on for a while, but finally, I hope: pedal to the metal.”

Kylie didn’t share any details about what kind of business Stormi is starting, but she already has considerable experience in the beauty industry, given how frequently she accompanies her mother to work. “I’ve seen Stormi go from literally being a baby in meetings to slowly growing, and now she’s sitting at the table,” Kylie said. “How engaged she is, it’s a beautiful thing to watch.”

Kylie has previously gestured to her desire for Stormi to eventually take over Kylie Cosmetics. But even now, at 3 years old, she is already a homeowner and an entrepreneur. As Megan Mildrew, chief commercial officer of Kylie Cosmetics, observes in the video with an awkward little laugh: “One day, we’ll all be working for Stormi, too, probably.” Haha. Probably!

Stormi, Age 3, Is ‘Working on Her Own Brand’???