2022 olympics

The Best, Weirdest, and Wildest Ice-Skating Costumes at the Olympics

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Every component of figure skating is impressive. What other sport lets you slide around on ice in a bejeweled dress with two little knives on your feet? Truly a revolutionary concept. The athletes’ costumes are no exception with each performance serving as its own mini fashion show.

The best figure-skating outfits are, of course, all of them. However, I had to pare the list down somehow. With that in mind, here are some of the best, wilding, and otherwise most notable ice-skating costumes from the 2022 Winter Olympics so far.

Best Classic Gorgeous Little Dress

Karen Chen (USA) Photo: Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

I feel like if I put this outfit on, I would automatically be able to do a Salchow. (Fun fact: That jump is not called a “sow cow,” which is what I just Googled to figure out its actual name.)

Best Gloves (Long)

Kaori Sakamoto (Japan) Photo: DeFodi Images via Getty Images

Decorative gloves are not used enough in the Olympics — or in everyday fashion for that matter.

Best Gloves (Short)

Anastasiia Shabotova (Ukraine) Photo: Future Publishing via Getty Images

Bonus points for mesh!

Most Ice-Princess Chic

Wakaba Higuchi (Japan) Photo: Annice Lyn/Getty Images

If Queen Frostine from Candy Land were an ice skater, this is what she’d wear.

Most … Give This Outfit to Me Now

Karen Chen (USA) Photo: Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

If I owned this garment, I would never take it off. It’s an incredibly versatile look — perfect for a night out, a dinner date, hanging out with friends, turning into the Black Swan, etc.

Fanciest Guy

Nathan Chen (USA) Photo: Erick W. Rasco/Sports Illustrated via Getty Images

There is nothing Nathan Chen can’t do, including wearing a casual tuxedo while giving a record-breaking performance.

Most Likely to Be Robots in Disguise

Madison Chock and Evan Bates (USA) Photo: DeFodi Images via Getty Images

They performed to Daft Punk. Need I say more?

The Pants Award

Vanessa James and Eric Radford (Canada) Photo: Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

If there ever comes a day when Olympic figure skating requires a consistent uniform, I vote for Vanessa James’s blue jumpsuit.

Most Sleeveless

Wang Shiyue and Liu Xinyu (China) Photo: Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

A sleeveless leather vest, no less!

Most Grease Lightning

Michal Brezina (Czech Republic) Photo: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

A-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-wop-bam-boom! Also I know the song is actually called “Greased Lightning,” but it shouldn’t be.

The “Bop to the Top” Award

Tim Koleto and Misato Komatsubara (Japan) Photo: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

This is Ryan and Sharpay Evans from High School Musical, and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Best Coordination

Matteo Guarise and Nicole Della Monica (Italy) Photo: Jean Catuffe/Getty Images

My one complaint about the figure-skating costumes at the Olympics is there aren’t more pairs that dress identically. More matching outfits, please!

Most Holy

Mark Kondratiuk (ROC) Photo: VCG via Getty Images

Church? No! Mark Kondratiuk of the Russian Olympic Committee performing to Jesus Christ Superstar while dressed as Jesus Christ.

Most. Just … Most.

Tim Dieck and Katharina Muller (Germany) Photo: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

These two dressed as Harley Quinn and the Joker while skating to a medley of “Toxic,” “Spirit in the Sky,” and “Seven Nation Army.” To quote the Beijing Olympics commentator, “That’s an aggressive start there, Tanith.”

The ‘It’s Britney, Bitch’ Award

Alexa Knierim and Brandon Frazier (USA) Photo: WANG ZHAO/AFP via Getty Images

Gimme, gimme more costumes that look like outfits from a Britney Spears music video.

Honorable mention

Presenters during Olympic flower ceremony. Photo: Catherine Ivill/Getty Images

The go-go boots! The cloche-esque hats! Bring this outfit to any and all awards ceremonies. Other honorable mentions from this year’s Olympic figure-skating events include this headband, Yuma Kagiayama’s black-and-gold outfit, and Mark Kondratiuk continuing to bring the drama.

And finally: The Look I Cannot Stop Thinking About

Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier (Canada) Photo: Annice Lyn/Getty Images

Perfect. Incredible. Like two parrots whose wish to turn into humans was finally granted. Give these outfits a gold medal.

The Best, Weirdest, and Wildest Figure-Skating Costumes