sorry to these men

Florence Pugh Is Doing Her Part to Free the Nipple

Photo: Daniele Venturelli/WireImage

Never tell Florence Pugh what to do with her dating life — or her nipples. The actor attended the Valentino show in Rome on Friday in a sheer hot-pink gown. And while many fans praised her look as the perfect Barbie movie audition, critics could only focus on one thing: her breasts, more specifically, her visible nipples.

“Technically they’re covered?” she wrote on Instagram, sharing uncensored photos from the event. It’s been over 24 hours and the post hasn’t been taken down — a small victory considering Instagram’s strict “no female nipples” policy. But the post’s staying power has also allowed more time for sexist trolls to leave unwanted comments about Pugh’s body, something she was quick to shut down Sunday morning with a new post sharing even more photos from the event.

“I knew when I wore that incredible Valentino dress that there was no way there wouldn’t be a commentary on it,” she wrote, adding that she wasn’t nervous about wearing the daring gown, nor does she regret it. “What’s been interesting to watch and witness is just how easy it is for men to totally destroy a woman’s body, publicly, proudly, for everyone to see. You even do it with your job titles and work emails in your bio..?” Without naming names (lucky them, honestly), Pugh continued, calling out men being “loudly abusive” and “vulgar.”

“So many of you wanted to aggressively let me know how disappointed you were by my ‘tiny tits,’ or how I should be embarrassed by being so ‘flat chested,’” she wrote. “I’ve lived in my body for a long time. I’m fully aware of my breast size and am not scared of it.” Pugh went on to ask, “Why are you so scared of breasts? Small? Large? Left? Right? Only one? Maybe none? What. Is. So. Terrifying.” In conclusion, she added, “Grow up. Respect people. Respect bodies. Respect all women. Respect humans. Life will get a whole lot easier, I promise. And all because of two cute little nipples …”

Grown men commenting on Pugh’s breast size on social media, you’ve just been put on notice.

Florence Pugh Is Doing Her Part to Free the Nipple