
We Finally Know What Barron Trump’s Voice Sounds Like

Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump Holds Election Night Event In West Palm Beach
Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Even though Barron Trump may have been the architect of the podcast master plan of his father’s campaign, he remains a six-foot-nine man of mystery. This is especially true when it comes to his voice, which has barely been heard in public since he was 4 years old. Amid rampant public scrutiny about what the hell he sounds like now, new footage has emerged that gives us about four whole seconds of clear audio of Barron’s current-day speaking voice. Are you ready?

The clip, which comes from a weird new documentary series about Donald Trump’s reelection campaign called Art of the Surge, shows the president-elect introducing his son to UFC CEO Dana White. “Hello, how are you? It’s very nice to see you,” Barron says to someone near the camera while his father brags about how popular Barron is with rally crowds and asks White, “Can we make him into a fighter?”

The ten words out of Barron’s mouth do not give us much, but commenters are certainly excited to hear it after all these years of wondering. The Slavic accent he appeared to have picked up from his mother, Melania, as an infant is gone, and some people seem to think he now sounds like his father.

I can’t say I agree, but this is probably all we’ll get for the time being — Barron seems intent on staying as quiet as possible in the coming months. According to TMZ, his fellow NYU students say he “hardly exists” on campus, where he swoops in via SUV and lurks in the back of his business classes amid a horde of Secret Service agents. Apparently, though, he socializes with his co-eds on Discord and has been seen asking for their user names to play FIFA together and chat online. Seems safe to say he won’t be appearing on a livestream anytime soon.

We Finally Know What Barron Trump’s Voice Sounds Like