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Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco Are Making Meatballs Together

Photo: Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

At some point last year, Selena Gomez started dating Benny Blanco, a music producer who plays himself on Lil Dicky’s Hulu show. That’s pretty much all you need to know about him, except this: Lately, Blanco has really ramped up his culinary presence on social media, which mostly involves conducting deeply objectionable experiments like mixing red wine with milk, using a clothing iron to cook a quesadilla, or slathering peanut butter on a Shake Shack burger. Relatedly, he is gearing up to release a big cookbook.

Of course, Gomez is something of an on-camera chef herself — she famously played a sandwich heiress on Wizards of Waverly Place and now hosts a cooking show, Selena + Chef, on HBO Max. It seems the couple is bonding over their shared love of cooking and cameras, because in the latest relationship dispatch Gomez posted on Instagram, they are collabing on a big tray of meatballs. Look at Gomez beaming while Blanco rounds out a hefty lump of ground meat:

In the caption, Gomez dubbed Blanco her “bes fwend.” Blanco responded in kind via the comments section, writing, “das my bes fwen.” Judging from the post, baby talk and meatball-making are not the only things these two get up to. Other activities include hanging out with Matty Matheson and his Golden Globe and enjoying each other’s company while Blanco grabs Gomez’s boob.

It seems like they’re having fun, but how will they get those big meaty boys fully cooked? I guess we’ll have to buy the cookbook to find out.

Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco Are Making Meatballs Together