
Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: January 7, 2025

Nina Dobrev, a Capricorn. Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

An uneasy relationship between communication planet Mercury and action planet Mars could make life complicated today. You’ve got exciting ideas and plenty of energy to implement them — but you also risk causing problems for yourself through impatience. The last thing you might want to do is slow down and think things through, but the less you rush, the more likely you are to get what you want in the end.

Aries Daily Horoscope

It’s easy to get carried away by big ideas today. Your mind is firing on all cylinders and you’ve got the confidence to take big leaps, so why wait? Just make sure that your plans are a good fit for the person you actually are, not some imaginary, idealized version of yourself. If you’re not someone who enjoys solo travel, don’t optimistically book a huge trip; if you’re easily distracted, don’t start projects that require intense periods of focus. Dream big, but be discerning.

Taurus Daily Horoscope

For the most part, you’d rather not waste your limited energy trying to change others’ minds. In your experience, people tend to hold tight to their beliefs, and even the soundest arguments won’t get them to reconsider. Today, though, give it another shot. You can be more persuasive than you give yourself credit for, and others might not be as set in their ways as you thought. You never know what might happen, or who might be on your side, unless you try.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

You might struggle to make even the smallest decisions today, because you understand that saying yes to one opportunity means missing out on countless others. It can seem like the smartest course of action is to remain in a state of indecision, keeping all the possibilities on the table for as long as possible. Really, though, there’s no way to experience everything — ultimately, you’ll have to pick. So try to be decisive. You can change your mind later if you need to, but for now, it’s in your best interest to make a choice and stick with it.

Cancer Daily Horoscope

There are times when it seems easier to let others get their way. Even if you disagree, you don’t always have the energy to fight; your ideas might be better, but advocating for them might not seem worth it. Today, though, the best thing you can do is stand up for yourself. If you think someone else is wrong, say so. If you can see a better way of doing something, speak up.

Leo Daily Horoscope

Your mind is brimming with creative ideas today. Maybe you’re brainstorming new projects, maybe you’re mulling over ways to change your life. Other people might start pushing you to share thoughts, but remember that you’re under no obligation to let them in until you’re ready. If you’re not in the mood to deal with everyone else’s opinions, then keep your big ideas to yourself for now, so that you can do your dreaming in peace.

Virgo Daily Horoscope

It might be hard to take your friends’ advice today, even — or perhaps especially — when they’re right. You’re determined to do things your way, whether or not it’s the most efficient; the more anyone else pressures you to change, the more likely you are to dig in your heels. But while this stubbornness ensures you won’t be pushed around, it can also prevent you from learning from people who have been through similar experiences. You don’t have to act on everyone’s advice, but at the very least, do yourself a favor and listen to it.

Libra Daily Horoscope

The less pressure you put on yourself today to come up with amazing ideas, the more likely it is that inspiration will strike. If you’re feeling creatively blocked, closing your computer and taking a walk will yield better results than forcing yourself to keep working. If you’re struggling to resolve a sticky interpersonal situation, lighthearted small talk might be preferable to a deep heart-to-heart. It can seem like you need to be constantly pushing yourself, but sometimes the magic happens when you ease off.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Sometimes it feels like everyone you know is pressuring you to move faster. And while you might resist for a while, there’s probably a part of you that wonders whether everyone else is right and you really are falling behind. Today, though, insist on your right to take your time. Life isn’t about racing to hit arbitrary milestones; the more you try to rush through it, the less fulfilling it’ll be.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Almost everyone will say they value the truth, but when it comes down to it, plenty of people would rather be polite than honest. They’re afraid of speaking up when they don’t have anything nice to say, scared to confront unflattering or inconvenient facts. You, on the other hand, would rather be direct, even if it’s not easy or pleasant. But remember, today, that others won’t always respond well to your bluntness, so try to choose your words with care.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Your goal is to be self-reliant, but today, you’re longing for companionship and connection. You know you need more support from the people around you, but it might feel nerve-wracking to admit your emotional needs, or embarrassing to actually ask for the love you want. But if you wait for others to intuit your needs, you’ll be disappointed, and you could end up lashing out at those you love. So don’t expect anyone to read your mind: If you’re not getting the care you need, be brave and speak up.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Sometimes it feels like your short- and long-term goals are in direct opposition with one another. The happier you are in the moment, the further your dreams seem to slip away; you wonder whether building a worthwhile future means you have to accept a tedious and unfulfilling everyday life. But it’s possible to meet both your present and future needs, and to enjoy yourself now without neglecting your goals. Don’t resign yourself to dissatisfaction; finding the right balance might not be easy, but you’ll figure it out in time.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

While you’re not unambitious, exactly, you aren’t typically motivated by a need to be “better” or more successful than anyone else. Today, though, you might feel unusually competitive. You want to rise to the top, to be recognized as the best. It’s not a bad thing to feel a bit of fire — a healthy rivalry can motivate anyone to push past their limits — but be careful to keep things friendly. If doing damage to your relationships is the price of winning, then the victory isn’t worth it.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: Jan. 7, 2025