
Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: October 25, 2024

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The moon moves through dramatic Leo today, giving you the confidence and creativity to capture everybody’s attention and make yourself heard. In the early afternoon, though, it squares off with communication planet Mercury, making you so focused on being “right” that you lose sight of how you actually feel. Try not to be too unyielding in your conversations with others, because there’s a good chance you’ll feel differently by evening than you did earlier in the day.

Aries Daily Horoscope

You’ve got so much passion and creativity, and it’s frustrating when nobody seems to want you to use them, preferring for you to color inside the lines instead. But while there’s a time and a place for following the rules, rote work is likely to feel like more of a soul-destroying slog than ever today. Try to find ways — no matter how small — to put your creativity to work. Even if there are boring tasks to be done, there’s probably still room to make your mark.

Taurus Daily Horoscope

Sometimes, it feels like you’re always chasing others, reminding your friends that you exist, striving to show your colleagues how much you have to offer. But the more you try to prove yourself, the worse you end up feeling. So today, the best thing you can do for yourself is stop. Some people will never fully appreciate you, no matter how hard you work to change their minds — but others already recognize your best qualities, no extra work on your part needed.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

There’s a part of you that enjoys arguing a little — maybe even a lot. It isn’t that you’re looking for serious conflict, only that it’s so boring when the entire room is in agreement. Today, especially, you might feel a bit argumentative, not out of any real animosity, simply out of a desire to liven things up. With the right sparring partner, it can be fun and satisfying for both of you — just remember to step back and make sure the other person’s having as much fun as you are.

Cancer Daily Horoscope

When you’re dissatisfied with your life and can’t find a way forward, it’s easy to imagine that buying stuff will produce the change you long for. New objects seem to promise a grander, more exciting life — even a grander, more exciting version of yourself. Today in particular, it could be tempting to spend money in an attempt to transform your life, but try not to get carried away. If you’re ready for a genuine change, mere things probably won’t be enough.

Leo Daily Horoscope

Some people act as though all pride is a bad thing, but you know it’s not true. Throughout your life, your pride has often protected you, preventing you from settling for less than you deserve. All the same, remember that sometimes your ego gets in the way of genuine connection. If you want to be truly loved, you have to let yourself be seen in your full humanity — weaknesses, doubts, and all. Today, you might worry that others are seeing you at less than your best: Let them.

Virgo Daily Horoscope

It takes courage to open up and trust people; when they let you down, it would be easy to conclude that it’s safest not to rely on anyone. But while regarding people with suspicion might seem to make sense, ultimately it makes for a life so bleak that it’s hardly worth it. Today, think about how you might create a sense of trust in your relationships. This doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind and put your faith in just anyone — but if you build it slowly over time, your life will be richer for it.

Libra Daily Horoscope

You have a healthy self-confidence, but you’re not too proud to learn from those around you. The world is full of people with different skills, experiences, and expertise than you, and you do your best to listen. Today, though, remember that the people who speak loudest and most confidently aren’t always the ones who actually know the most. Sometimes you are the person with the most valuable perspective to share. Don’t back down just because someone else acts like they know it all.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

It’s not easy to be understanding of others’ mistakes, especially when you don’t feel that anyone ever cuts you any slack. Occasionally, it’s possible to intimidate people into doing better — but more often, it only makes everyone feel worse. If you want results today, try being generous and compassionate with the people around you. Forgiving others for their small missteps means they’re more likely to forgive you when the tables turn. Being the bigger person might not always be the best strategy, but it could serve you surprisingly well right now.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

There are days when everything feels impossibly boring — no matter how hard you’ve worked to build the life you have, it no longer feels like enough. You can’t articulate exactly what you want, you just know it’s something more than this. This is a good day to take risks and expand your horizons, but be mindful of how you treat the people you care about in the process. You don’t need to throw away the relationships you already have in order to find the freedom and adventure you’re looking for.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

You have a strong will, and you’re drawn to similarly strong-willed people. You’re not looking for friends who will agree with everything you say, but ones who will push you, call you out when you’re in the wrong, help you grow. The problem is that being pushed or called out doesn’t always feel great in the moment — it’s all too easy to tune it out or reject it. But if the people you trust have good-faith criticism to offer today, listen. You might not agree in the end, but you’ll be better off for having heard it.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

You’re not the sort of person who needs to be around others all the time — if anything, you prefer having time to do your own thing. Today, though, you might feel unusually needy. You want the people you love to focus on you, to make you feel like a priority in their lives. If you need attention you aren’t getting, make a point to schedule quality time together. Your friends aren’t trying to neglect you — there’s a good chance they don’t even realize how much you need them, or how much you care.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

You’re great at picking up on other people’s emotional states; your friends rarely have to explicitly tell you when something is wrong. Today, though, you might be frustrated when nobody else is able to understand you so clearly. When you say that everything’s fine, you want your friends to sense that there’s more beneath the surface. If there’s anything you want others to know right now, you may have to stop dropping hints or hoping someone will read your mind and simply come out and say it.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: Oct. 25, 2024