Emily in Paris — TV Episode Recaps & News

Emily in Paris

Em-e-lee in Par-ee.

Photo: Stephanie Branchu/Netflix

Twentysomething (?) Chicagoan Emily Cooper moves to the titular Paris to bring her certain je ne sais quoi to a French marketing firm. Once there, she makes a new life for herself full of drama, friends, love, and a wide range of fashions that may or may not look ridiculous.

Lily Collins stars as Emily in the Netflix series, which is quite popular and beloved despite (or because of) how dumb it is. Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Lucas Bravo, Kate Walsh, Camille Razar, and more also star.

  1. Episode 10 Cancel Culture
    Emily in Paris Season-Finale Recap: On With the Show The season draws to a close with a surfeit of questionable Emily decisions, but slightly fewer French clichés than usual.
  2. Episode 9 An American Auction in Paris
    Emily in Paris Recap: On a Silver Splatter How will Emily put a positive spin this fashion catastrophe, and who will be utterly charmed by her attempts to do so?
  3. Episode 8 Family Affair
    Emily in Paris Recap: Well, He Was Just 17 Why is everyone in this show so bad at communicating?
  4. Episode 7 French Ending
    Emily in Paris Recap: The Story of Us Looks a Lot Like a Tragedy Now Isn’t it a little late in the season to add yet another potential contender for Emily’s affection into the mix?
  5. Episode 6 Ringarde
    Emily in Paris Recap: You Know You Love Me What’s worse, an asshole masquerading as an intellectual, or an asshole masquerading as a nice guy?
  6. Episode 5 Faux Amis
    Emily in Paris Recap: Under the Influence Emily’s job hangs in the balance after yet another avertable disaster.
  7. Episode 4 A Kiss Is Just a Kiss
    Emily in Paris Recap: Perfume Genius Another man is at least intrigued by, if not fully smitten with, Emily, as the laws of this show’s universe require.
  8. Episode 3 Sexy or Sexist
    Emily in Paris Recap: Liberté, Égalité, Nudité Will Emily decide that to be desired IS, in fact, her fantasy?!
  9. Episode 2 Masculin Feminin
    Emily in Paris Recap: Mistress America Can the French save Emily from the cult of monogamy?
  10. Episode 1 Emily in Paris
    Emily in Paris Premiere Recap: The Girl Who Went to Paris … and didn’t bother to learn how to speak French.
  1. Episode 10 French Revolution
    Emily in Paris Season-Finale Recap: Choose Your Own Adventure For some reason, Emily thinks this is a hard decision, rather than a very cool and convenient opportunity.
  2. Episode 9 Scents & Sensibility
    Emily in Paris Recap: Mixing Business With Pleasure Mommy and mommy are fighting! Emily is torn asunder! This should have happened, like, five episodes ago!
  3. Episode 8 Champagne Problems
    Emily in Paris Recap: The Cutting Edge A detour to the Chateau theoretically complicates things for Emily, but in practice just leads to another dead end.
  4. Episode 7 The Cook, the Thief, Her Ghost and His Lover
    Emily in Paris Recap: Just Play It Cool, Boy What’s this? A guy with an air-conditioned apartment in Paris and something resembling actual chemistry with Emily?
  5. Episode 6 Boiling Point
    Emily in Paris Recap: Scenes From a Parisian Restaurant Gabriel and Antoine apparently never discussed their vision for their restaurant’s future before opening night. Seems weird!
  6. Episode 5 An Englishman in Paris
    Emily in Paris Recap: The Love Boat Finally, a good and story-centric use of Mindy!
  7. Episode 4 Jules and Em
    Emily in Paris Recap: What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate Our show has painted itself into quite the corner here re: Emily’s redemption.
  8. Episode 3 Bon Anniversaire!
    Emily in Paris Recap: Well, If It Isn’t the Consequences of My Own Actions Emily’s birthday ends up being a gift to anyone who’s been wanting something resembling stakes on this show.
  9. Episode 2 Do You Know the Way to St. Tropez?
    Emily in Paris Recap: Out of Office Camille is providing a neat solution to all of Emily’s problems and Emily’s response is to attempt to derail it at every opportunity.
  10. Episode 1 Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi?
    Emily in Paris Season-Premiere Recap: I Did Something Bad Emily may have to do something this show has never demanded of her before: face the consequences of her actions.
  1. Episode 10 Charade
    Emily in Paris Season-Finale Recap: Goin’ to the Chapel and We’re Gonna Get … I would actually kill to be at a wedding with this much drama.
  2. Episode 9 Love Is in the Air
    Emily in Paris Recap: Up, Up, and Away Is it time for Emily to meet Alfie’s parents?
  3. Episode 8 Fashion Victim
    Emily in Paris Recap: Never Say Die The gang is wearing black. Emily is wracked with guilt.
  4. Episode 7 How to Lose a Designer in 10 Days
    Emily in Paris Recap: Just the Man for the Job Being an airline passenger is like being a sub, so why not dress the flight attendants as doms? It makes perfect sense!
  5. Episode 6 Ex-en-Provence
    Emily in Paris Recap: That Lavender Haze I don’t know about the rest of you, but I sort of forgot Antoine existed until this episode.
  6. Episode 5 Ooo La La Liste
    Emily in Paris Recap: Making a List, Checking It Twice Finally Mindy and the main plot are actually connecting!
  7. Episode 4 Live From Paris, It’s Emily Cooper
    Emily in Paris Recap: Let’s Stay Together Emily, now unemployed, attempts to burn through all of her savings as quickly as humanly possible.
  8. Episode 3 Coo D’etat
    Emily in Paris Recap: Office Space Will Emily Cooper have to return to … Chicago!? [crying, gasping, retching]
  9. Episode 2 What’s It All About…
    Emily in Paris Recap: We Can Work It Out Plot twist! Emily still has her job at Savoir!
  10. Episode 1 I Have Two Lovers
    Emily in Paris Season-Premiere Recap: Cutting It Close Welcome back to Emily in Paris, a sort of collective hallucination that we are all having together.
  1. Episode 10 All Roads Lead to Rome
    Emily in Paris Season-Finale Recap: Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay Everything works out for Emily in the finale, so naturally, Gabriel will ruin everything.
  2. Episode 9 Roman Holiday
    Emily in Paris Recap: Out-of-Office Reply Emily in Rome has a promising premiere, what with being away from work and Gabriel and all.
  3. Episode 8 Back on the Crazy Horse
    Emily in Paris Recap: The Lonely Goatherd Hot Italian skier makes his triumphant return!
  4. Episode 7 Lost in Translation
    Emily in Paris Recap: What We’ve Got Here Is Failure to Communicate I’ll never understand how Gabriel has the audacity to blame Emily for their breakup. He’s been the worst since the moment we met him!
  5. Episode 6 Last Christmas
    Emily in Paris Mid-Season-Premiere Recap: Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot? Emily finally realizes what a bad deal dating Gabriel is. Also, how is it Christmas already?
  6. Episode 5 Trompe l’oeil
    Emily in Paris Midseason-Finale Recap: Stars Are Blind So we’re just doing a hard reset on all the story lines? Where does that leave us for part two?
  7. Episode 4 The Grey Area
    Emily in Paris Recap: Call Her Mother Would this show be way more interesting if Sylvie were the main character? Obviously, yes.
  8. Episode 3 Masquerade
    Emily in Paris Recap: Heartbreak Is One Thing, My Ego’s Another I feel so insulted by the plot in this episode.
  9. Episode 2 Love on the Run
    Emily in Paris Recap: You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide Emily is the last person who should be searching for Camille. Stay out of it, Emily!
  10. Episode 1 Break Point
    Emily in Paris Premiere Recap: I Was Speechless When I Woke Up to Your TikTok Will Emily ever fully pay for her many crimes? Unlikely, but the premiere suggests she’ll have to face some consequences for her careless actions.

More on Emily in Paris

  1. liberté egalité emilé
    Top Level Summit In Paris
    Emmanuel Macron: France Will ‘Fight Hard’ to Bring Emily Back to ParisEmily in Paris in Rome doesn’t make sense.”
  2. oui
    Emily in Paris Will Butcher Italian Even More in Season 5Don’t worry, she’ll still be in Paris despite her new “presence” in Rome.
  3. voulez vous couche avec elle
    Let Emily Sleep Around in ParisPourquoi so serially monogamous?
  4. oh merde!
    What Even Happened on Emily in Paris Season 3?Believe it or not, a lot happens in this show; it’s just hard to remember. Here’s everything you forgot happened in season three.
  5. in conversation
    The Master of Compulsively Watchable TVDarren Star was 28 when he made 90210. Thirty-five years later, he’s still making hits.
  6. coming soon
    Emily in Paris Season 4? Don’t Mind If We DeuxThe Netflix show is returning with a two-part season.
  7. profile
    Hand Ashley Park the KeysThe actress took Broadway, then Paris. Now, she heads to Beijing for Joy Ride, this summer’s raunchiest R-rated buddy comedy.
  8. zach in paris
    Déjà Vu on the Emily in Paris Walking TourTwo hours chasing onscreen landmarks with the sole Emily-loving local in Paris.
  9. development hell
    The 4 Shows Netflix Is Looking for Right NowThese shows are guaranteed for two seasons (and only two seasons).
  10. snl
    Peyton Manning Is Emily in Paris’ Biggest StanHe stopped by SNL’s “Weekend Update” to prove it.
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