Behold, Thanksgiving is upon us, the one holiday a year where it’s a free-for-all of gluttonous behavior. And you must forgive us, but we tend to rationalize gorging, calling it “carb-harvesting” for Black Friday — after all, you do need your energy. But we’re not the only ones. We asked several models if they overindulge for the holiday and whether they had any cooking tips for us. Check out who likes tacos, who hates eggnog, and who indulges in raspberry-tofu pie after the jump.
• Favorite Thanksgiving food: My uncle’s mash potatoes with a secret ingredient.
• Do you overindulge on the holiday? But of course. That is why Thanksgiving is the way it is in our family. I enjoy being home, the huge dinner, and the long nap afterwards.
• Favorite Thanksgiving food: Stuffing, but it has to be Stove Top. I don’t like all the fancy kinds with nuts and raisins. My mom is the one to make the stuffing, and it only takes three minutes. All you do is follow the box!
• Do you overindulge on the holiday? Of course! I’m only 17! I don’t worry about that, and shouldn’t at my age, as long as I’m healthy and active. I love exercising and playing sports. So it’s easy for me to have fun and work out. I like to swim at a gym or do yoga.
• Cooking tips: I’m learning. But I don’t know how to cook Thanksgiving food yet. I know how to cook spaghetti Bolognese, pizza, and tacos — stuff that everybody knows how to cook.
• Are you afraid of overindulging? Oh, no, not me! Because I love to eat. Actually Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love the ham, the turkey, the macaroni and cheese. We do it really big at my house – even the dessert is amazing. My mom makes the best banana pudding. The best.
• Favorite Thanksgiving food: My mom’s pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream.
• Do you overindulge on the holiday? Eating well and being active is just part of my daily routine, so it’s no different for me during the holidays or non-holidays.
• Cooking tips: I’m not a good cook. I don’t cook a lot. But I like food, so it’s kind of a weird thing. See, I don’t do eggnog.
• Do you overindulge on the holiday? Not really. I don’t treat it any differently.
• Cooking tips: I cook somewhat, but I would not want to screw up Thanksgiving dinner.
• Do you overindulge on the holiday? Everybody should eat too much! You’re with family and friends, you should go a little bit overboard. Just go to the gym!
• Favorite Thanksgiving food: I’m vegan, so I won’t be partaking in the turkey, casseroles, and pie like the rest of my family. I will probably just have a simple meal of steamed greens, beans, avocado, and maybe even a little piece of raw dark chocolate.
• Do you overindulge on the holiday? Thanksgiving for me is more of a time to see my family rather than a time to look forward to eating a huge meal, but maybe once I come back to New York, I’ll have a little bit of raspberry-tofu pie from Souen in celebration. It’s my favorite dessert when I do have one.