partying after something

Rumor: Alexander Wang’s Fashion Week After-Party Will Be Like a Carnival [Updated]

Last season Alexander Wang held his after-party in the gas station next to Milk Studios. It drew a line so big and scary that many people who had planned to go walked away at the mere site of it, not knowing they’d miss a surprise performance by Courtney Love and kick themselves for it later. Fashionologie has heard that this year Wang’s after-party — the coolest event in all of Fashion Week as of recent seasons — will take place in a “miniature amusement park.” Sources say the carnival party will include cotton candy, games, and “a small set of rides.” And they plan to institute some sort of wrist-band system to prevent crashers. Since animals are so in, we’d like to suggest the Wang people rent a petting zoo, including a pig with earrings, and have pony rides with ponies attired in new spring Alexander Wang horsewear.

What’s Alexander Wang Rumored to Be Doing for His Show’s After Party? [Fashionologie]

Update: Fashionologie’s post has been taken down but! We promise to keep you updated with all news and facts regarding the Wang after party as they break.

Rumor: Alexander Wang’s Fashion Week After-Party Will Be Like a Carnival [Updated]