2013 emmy awards

This Is How the Times Calls Lena Dunham Fat

Photo: Jeff Kravitz/Getty Images

In today’s assessment of the Emmy Awards red carpet, the Times’ Ruth La Ferla compares the physiques of actresses Claire Danes and Lena Dunham:

Ms. Danes … turn[ed] out in a Giorgio Armani tulle confection that showed off an ethereal, if slightly skeletal, frame. What Ms. Danes lacked in pulchritude, Lena Dunham of “Girls” supplied in abundance, wearing a coral-rose-patterned Prada gown that (somewhat sloppily) showed off her curves.

To conclude: “skeletal” = ethereal, and “abundant pulchritude” = sloppily displayed curves. These women really can’t win, can they?

This Is How the Times Calls Lena Dunham Fat