halloween 2013

David Beckham Attends Costume Party as ‘Himself’

David Beckham.
David Beckham. Photo: Lintao Zhang/Getty Images

On Saturday night, David Beckham attended a Halloween party at the Bowery Hotel, where he was one of the only guests not in costume. According to the Post, the following conversation occurred there:

Random person in a ridiculous outfit, hopefully this: “What’s your costume?”
David Beckham: “I’m going as David Beckham.”
Random person: “Wow, you look just like him!”

(Note: The chances of this exchange occurring just how the Post says it did are slim, because no one who’s already at a party says they’re “going as,” but anyway.) And thus emerges our final lesson of Halloween 2013: You’re only really famous when you can be “yourself” at costume parties and get away with it.

David Beckham Attends Costume Party as ‘Himself’