Below Deck Sailing Yacht — TV Episode Recaps & News

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

  1. Episode 17 All Roads Lead to Gaisy
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season-Finale Recap: Docking for the Season Love them or hate them, Gary and Daisy’s will-they-won’t-they dance has us hooked.
  2. Episode 16 Parsifal’s First Wedding
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Bride to be Onboard The love bug bites the crew members during the Parsifal’s first wedding.
  3. Episode 15 Salty Seamen
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Marcos is a Human Poor Marcos cannot catch a break.
  4. Episode 14 Smashley
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Gary’s Getting Old “I am trying to teach the women how to be a team, and of course Gary and his small dick ruin everything.”
  5. Episode 13 Budding Boatmance
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Sequins and Wigs Gary’s need to flirt continues to cause chaos on the Parsifal III.
  6. Episode 12 New Girl Aboard
  7. Episode 11 Paging Dr. Nipples
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Grab the Grape Juice The Parsifal III scores a sweet new deckhand who is a total pro with incredible team-player energy.
  8. Episode 10 Villa Today, Gone Tomorrow
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Good-bye, Gabriela Gabriela decides enough is enough.
  9. Episode 9 Tensions High, Patience Low
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Rocky Waters Ahead Gabriela is down bad, and her (boring) ongoing feud with Ashley isn’t really helping.
  10. Episode 8 Big Fender Energy
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Toss Gabriela a Lifeboat Gabriela and Ashley are at it again. But Gabriela and Marcos are also at it again. And in a sense, Gabriela and Gary are also at it again.
  11. Episode 7 Strip for the Tip
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Tom Goes Overboard It turns out you can cross a line on Below Deck Sailing Yacht and the line is potentially wrecking the boat and ending the season.
  1. Episode 17 Man Buns It Has Been Fun
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Finale Recap: All Good Things Come to an End The finale delivers on multiple fronts, but too many things are left unanswered.
  2. Episode 16 Boat Load of Throuples
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Three’s a Crowd Sailing Yacht saves the messiest, booze-fueled guests for last.
  3. Episode 15 She Loves Me Not
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Yes, Chef! Ileisha has ascended to being one of the franchise’s best chefs.
  4. Episode 14 Hurricane Bonnie
  5. Episode 13 T-Bone With Stakes
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Distracted Daisy The seed of Captain Glenn’s annoyance was planted last charter and has now blossomed into a recurring issue.
  6. Episode 12 Let Them Eat Cake
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Sinking Situationships We finally have a crew that can see through Gary’s BS.
  7. Episode 11 Burnt Hands and Broken Hearts
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: On the Rocks Even Colin’s sister is grossed out by Gary’s behavior.
  8. Episode 10 Loose Lips Sink Friendships
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Love Island The Daisy-Gary-Colin love triangle just started, and it’s already so difficult to watch.
  9. Episode 9 Love Boat
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Colin and Daisy Sitting in a Tree Colin and Daisy have a strong connection … so naturally, Gary is jealous and getting in the way.
  10. Episode 8 Cheers to Boobies
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Chase Must Be Stopped After so much teasing about Colin and Daisy’s relationship, it’s finally here.
  11. Episode 7 Smoke on the Water
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Down Bad Gary says he doesn’t want to play games, then immediately indulges in playing games.
  12. Episode 6 Clash & Burn
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Triangle of Sadness Daisy deserves better than Gary and Glenn’s b.s.
  13. Episode 5 Hate Me Tender
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Kiss and Tell Gary’s shenanigans are starting to get old.
  14. Episode 4 Lazy Daisy
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: New Boatmance Just Dropped If you’re attracted to someone on the yacht, the worst thing you can do is tell Gary.
  15. Episode 3 The King Is Back
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Gary’s Glorious Return Gary is back and already stirring up some chaos.
  16. Episode 2 Worst Vacation Ever
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Colin the Hero Congrats to the crew on finishing their first charter and getting their first love triangle.
  17. Episode 1 ParsiFAIL
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season-Premiere Recap: Dream Team Sailing Yacht and our favorite group of wild yachties are back!
  1. Episode 16 The Bitter End
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season-Finale Recap: Old Patterns The dynamic between Gary and Daisy remains disappointing and alarming as yet another season ends with no one willing to hold Gary accountable.
  2. Episode 15 Past The Boiling Point
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Sex, Lies, and Couscous Danni lied to Chase about her fling with Anthony, and Glenn lied to us all with the false promise of punishment for one’s actions.
  3. Episode 14 Rules of En-rage-ment
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Two Drink Limit Gary manages to drink 10 drinks while on the clock and lies to Captain Gary about it. Great work all around.
  4. Episode 13 Mid-Strife Crisis
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Winky Cousins Daisy haters, be warned: This is not the episode for you.
  5. Episode 12 Fraught Mess
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Seven Courses In Hell This girl’s trip is only one night, but it quickly proves to be one of the most challenging charters of the season.
  6. Episode 11 Much Ado About Crushing
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Sleep Deprivation Thanks to Daisy’s schedule, the crew is too tired to make good decisions.
  7. Episode 10 All Work and No Rosé
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: The Race for Chase Our returning deckhand’s plans to avoid a boatmance are quickly going out the porthole.
  8. Episode 9 Out, Damned Spot
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Sofa Bloody Sofa The couch affair seems to have been a unifying moment for the crew, so it’d be a real shame if someone new were to come along and ruin the dynamic …
  9. Episode 8 An Eye for a Decline
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Knot Cutting It Everyone’s a bit sleep-deprived after last week’s crash cliffhanger, but that’s no excuse for Emma’s continued lack of initiative.
  10. Episode 7 My Super Sideways Sixteen
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Cloyce Steps Up The bar is low, but at least he’s clearing it.
  11. Episode 6 Loose Lips Sink Trysts
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: To Plate or Not to Plate Gary is up to his usual schtick with Dani. Will he or the new stews ever learn? (Don’t answer that.)
  12. Episode 5 Bean Counter
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Emma Dilemma It’s difficult to keep rooting for her after this.
  13. Episode 4 Mer-made a Big Mis-cake
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Warm Cake The crew are messing up left and right, but at least they’re mostly owning their mistakes.
  14. Episode 3 Let the Bottles Hit the Floor
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Floatopia Cloyce is the gift that keeps on giving this week.
  15. Episode 2 Tender Bender
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Budgie-Smuggling Boofhead Cloyce does everything in his power to ensure that Gary’s boat crash is only the second-biggest disaster of this charter.
  16. Episode 1 Ibiza, Baby!
    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season-Premiere Recap: Surf and Turf How much did Bravo have to raise Captain Glenn’s salary to get him to work with Gary and Daisy together again?

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