
A Handy Guide to (Surviving) Your Saturn Return

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

If you’re currently navigating or approaching the end of your 20s, chances are you’re in the midst of an existential crisis or two. And, maybe, you’re blaming said post-quarter-life crisis on growing older, burning out at work, ever-increasing bills, the constant stream of unprecedented events, or realizing, wait a minute, you didn’t make any “30 Under 30” lists — but that’s actually not it. The reason is Saturn — more specifically, Saturn Return. Obviously.

Saturn, the planet of responsibilities and maturity, returns to the position in the sky that, from our vantage point here on earth, it occupied when you were born every 29.5 years, and remains in that region for about 2.5 to 3 years. Saturn Return ushers in a pivotal chapter defined by self-reflection, growth, and transformative challenges. Taking place in your late 20s, late 50s, and late 80s, this celestial milestone is known for shaping your path toward true potential and important personal accountability, but it’s certainly not for the faint of heart. Indeed, the Saturn Return is infamously intense, often bringing significant life shifts that test your resilience and demand you confront your biggest fears. No biggie.

So what should you actually expect from a Saturn Return? How do you prepare for Saturn Return? And should you be panicking?! It’s fine, really. Keep reading for a comprehensive, not-scary, totally-makes-sense breakdown of Saturn Return and what it all means for you.

First, what does Saturn symbolize in astrology?

The sixth planet from the sun is astrologically associated with time, regulations, and boundaries. On a good day, this ringed gas giant symbolizes hard work, long-term accolades, and incomparable resolve. On the other hand, Saturn’s bad days are harsh, critical, and unforgiving. The proverbial zaddy of the zodiac abides by a tough-love approach, demanding we learn lessons the “hard way.”

That said, Saturn teaches us that, when the going gets tough, we can actually keep going. And that perseverance, that tenacity, is actually incredibly empowering. It is!

What does a planet’s “return” mean in astrology?

Every single celestial body tracked in astrology has its own orbit that crosses through all 12 zodiac signs in the map of the sky. For instance, it takes the moon approximately 28 days to move through its orbit around earth and across the zodiac, whereas it takes Venus 225 days, Mars almost two years, and outer planets (those on the far side of the asteroid belt like Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus) even longer. The amount of time it takes a planet to orbit and return to the place it occupied in your birth chart — a.k.a. an exact snapshot of the sky on the date, place, and time you were born — is referred to as a return. In fact, astrologers refer to your birthday as your “solar return,” because that’s when the sun returns to the place it occupied on the day you were born. The more you know!

By the way, to calculate your birth chart (also sometimes referred to as a “natal chart”), you’ll need your date, time, and location of birth. I recommend using a birth-chart calculator like the TimePassages app (my personal favorite) or (Oh, and once you have your chart, check out our interpreting guide here.) also has a Saturn Return calculator, so you can see the exact day this important astrological event will be taking place in your life.

At what age does Saturn Return happen?

If you’re approaching your late 20s, chances are you’re about to experience (or are already in the throes of) your Saturn Return. Saturn Return happens when Saturn in the sky aligns with Saturn in your birth chart — in other words, when they occupy the same zodiac sign.

What will change during my Saturn Return?

Prior to Saturn Return, we are a construction of external influences: We are living the lives imposed on us by our parents, teachers, colleagues, bosses, and society at large. When Saturn returns to its home base in our birth charts, however, the gas giant inspires us to reevaluate every aspect of life to ensure that we’re fulfilling our greatest potential. Generally speaking, this powerful time is defined by profound growing pains that catalyze radical metamorphoses. Once our Saturn return is complete, we are totally and completely prepared to live our best life — however we each define it.

Because Saturn is the planet of responsibilities, time, and wisdom, a Saturn Return is, basically, your astrological coming of age. Think of it as the push you need to enter true adulthood. Saturn demands that you take full and complete accountability for your choices, propelling major — albeit challenging — transformation.

Who just finished their Saturn Return?

If you’re feeling like you just emerged from a chaotic whirlwind that nearly destroyed you, congratulations, you may have just survived a Saturn Return! Saturn journeyed through Aquarius (the sign associated with innovation, rebellion, and revolution) from 2020 through March 7, 2023. That means anyone who has Saturn in Aquarius in their birth chart experienced their Saturn Return during that three-year stretch. Those born between February 6, 1991, and May 20, 1993, along with June 29, 1993, and January 28, 1994, went through through their first Saturn Return, while those born in the early 1960s (specifically between January 3, 1962, and March 23, 1964, as well as September 16, 1964, and December 15, 1964) experienced their second Saturn Return, and elders born in the early 1930s went through their third.

Who’s going through their Saturn Return right now?

On March 7, 2023, Saturn entered Pisces — the last sign of the zodiac, associated with spirituality, mysticism, and boundlessness, where it will stay until February 13, 2026. But, wait, isn’t Saturn associated with responsibilities, pragmatism, and stoic boundaries? You bet! Saturn’s glide through Pisces is riddled with contradictions, but that’s exactly what makes this such a fascinating and dynamic transit. Folks born between May 1, 1993 and June 30, 1993, along with January 28, 1994 and April 7, 1996, will be going through their first Saturn Return, while those born in the mid-1960s (specifically between March 23, 1964 and September 16, 1964, as well as December 16, 1964 and March 3, 1967) are experiencing their second Saturn Return, and elders born in the mid-to-late 1930s (1935 to 1938) will be going through their third.

Who’s going through their Saturn Return next?

Once Saturn finishes moving through Pisces on February 13, 2026, it shifts into Aries — the first sign of the zodiac, associated with motivation, passion, and determination. And, with this change, a whole new group will begin experiencing their Saturn Return. People born between April 7, 1996, and June 9, 1998, along with October 25, 1998, and February 28, 1999, will be going through their first Saturn Return, while those born in the late 1960s (specifically between March 3, 1967, and April 29, 1969) are experiencing their second Saturn Return, while elders born in the late 1930s and first few months of 1940 will be experiencing the third installment of this transit.

So what should I expect from the first, second, and third Saturn Returns that can happen in a lifetime?

Your late 20s are a time when massive, life-changing transformation occurs. Think breaking up, making up, swapping careers, changing cities, and — perhaps most important — blossoming into our true selves unapologetically. During your first Saturn Return, you begin to break away from societal pressure, trading expectations for honest experiences. This time of growth allows you to redefine your path, leading you toward your deepest values and authentic desires.

Your second Saturn Return, however, which occurs in your late 50s, is more likely to manifest as the stereotypical “midlife crisis.” After establishing routines and structure, your second Saturn Return may force you to reconsider these realities as you question whether you’re actually living up to your highest potential. Embrace this time as an opportunity to realign with your true purpose, making meaningful changes that can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic future.

Finally, your third Saturn Return — which occurs in your late 80s — is a time for powerful reflection. During this season, you’ll look back at your life and contemplate your successes, failures, blessings, and regrets. This can also be an extremely spiritual moment, as you consider the legacy you’d like to leave behind and your hopes for the other side. You know, casual stuff.

What does Saturn Return look like through the different signs?

Your particular Saturn Return experience will depend on the sign Saturn occupies in your birth chart. Use the below table to explore the themes you can expect for each zodiac sign.

  • Saturn in Aries: Lessons around competition and autonomy
  • Saturn in Taurus: Lessons around finances and stability
  • Saturn in Gemini: Lessons around communication and peers
  • Saturn in Cancer: Lessons around security and vulnerability
  • Saturn in Leo: Lessons around pride and ego
  • Saturn in Virgo: Lessons around perfection and control
  • Saturn in Libra: Lessons around partnership and compromise
  • Saturn in Scorpio: Lessons around intimacy and trust
  • Saturn in Sagittarius: Lessons around expansion and growth
  • Saturn in Capricorn: Lessons around success and legacy
  • Saturn in Aquarius: Lessons around innovation and community
  • Saturn in Pisces: Lessons around spirituality and boundaries

Um, how do I survive my Saturn Return?

There’s no denying that Saturn Return is a big deal and — when you’re in the midst of it — can feel extremely dysregulating. Saturn Return will often manifest as breaking up with your long-term partner or quitting what was once your “dream job,” relocating to a city where you’re starting over from scratch — you get the idea. It flips the script on everything you thought was safe and stable. But it’s not wreaking havoc just to ruin your life. In fact, your Saturn Return is actually an extremely prosperous time where your hard work and resilience is rewarded fully and completely. Perhaps those things you thought were real turned out to be all smoke and mirrors? Your Saturn Return will help you strip away illusions and align with your best path forward; it will empower you to take off the rose-colored glasses and see things for what they truly are. On the other side of this transformative season, you’ll reap the rewards of your efforts, finding that the journey was well worth the challenge.

The most important piece of advice for navigating your Saturn Return: Embrace it. Trust the process. Do the scary thing! Be brave! Lean into the discomfort, knowing that it’s guiding you toward the person you’re meant to become. Any attempts to ignore Saturn’s powerful nudges toward personal growth will be futile. On the other side of your Saturn Return, virtually everything in your life will be different, so why not enjoy the ride? Saturn reminds us that through real effort, patience, and practice, we can reap the most extraordinarily gratifying rewards.

Our Expert:

  • Aliza Kelly is a writer and astrologer who has written four books about astrology and mysticism. She publishes the weekly Substack, The Curiosity Report, and is a recurring guest on The Drew Barrymore Show.

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A Handy Guide to (Surviving) Your Saturn Return