Abraham Josephine Riesman Author Archive
  1. game of thrones
    The Many Great Whines of Game of Thrones’s Joffrey, King of Snots“Wahhh wahhh, I’m the king”: a supercut.
  2. tuca & bertie
    Tuca & Bertie’s Lisa Hanawalt on Blurring the Line Between Real and Surreal“I think it makes sense that Bertie’s phone can talk. There are boobs on buildings, but that just helps flesh out the tone of the show.”
  3. avengers: endgame
    What Will Marvel Be Without Robert Downey Jr.?The story of the MCU’s success is, in no small part, the story of the world’s love affair with the man behind Tony Stark.
  4. eurovision 2019
    If Eurovision 2019 Goes Smoothly, It’ll Be a MiracleWith Israel as host, this is almost certainly going to be one of the most controversial and tense installments of the event in its history.
  5. marvel cinematic universe
    Avengers: Endgame Writers Explain Their Vision for ‘Heavy Thor’“We didn’t go, like, ‘Let’s chunk him up, it’ll be hilarious.’”
  6. movies
    How the Russo Brothers Wrote Stan Lee’s Cameo Into Avengers: EndgameJoe and Anthony discuss Stan’s last moments on set, time travel in the multiverse, and whether they left Cap/Bucky moments on the cutting-room floor.
  7. villains week
    That Time Captain America Said ‘Hail Hydra’ and Geekdom ImplodedTwo little words opened up a Pandora’s box.
  8. vulture picks
    The 30 Best Superhero Movies Since BladeAnd why Avengers: Endgame cracks the top fifteen.
  9. marvel
    Who Was That Kid at the Avengers: Endgame Funeral?That’s right, you’ll be horrifically shocked to learn that at least one person dies in this movie.
  10. avengers: infinity war
    The Creator of Avengers Villain Thanos Has Beef With Marvel“Marvel tends to bring out the worst in me, at times,” says Jim Starlin.
  11. movies
    Hellboy Creator Mike Mignola Almost Wishes He Hadn’t Let His Comic Character Go“It’s like watching your kid grow up and move away. They’re doing sh*t you don’t know anything about and you kinda miss when they lived in the house.”
  12. sequential art
    The Best Cartoonist You’ve Never Read Is Eight Different PeopleWhy LB Lee’s work deserves to be discovered.
  13. sequential art
    Eli Valley Is the Angriest Political Cartoonist in AmericaHis specialty has been criticism of Zionism and Israel.
  14. chat room
    Gerard Way and Steve Blackman on The Umbrella Academy’s Leap From Comics to TVThe comics writer and Netflix showrunner talk taking familial superhero trauma and a talking chimp from the page to the screen.
  15. endings
    Let’s Talk About the Ending of GlassIn the age of the superhero boom, we deserve better.
  16. comics
    Author Nnedi Okorafor Talks LaGuardia, Wakanda, and … Garfield?The sci-fi/fantasy novelist has been blazing trails in comics.
  17. most anticipated 2019
    37 Books We Can’t Wait to Read in 2019From old favorites (Ian McEwan, Zadie Smith) to new favorites (Sally Rooney, Marlon James), plus sequels to Olive Kitteridge and The Handmaid’s Tale.
  18. movies
    How First Man Faked the Moon LandingDamien Chazelle and the team behind First Man on recreating Neil Armstrong’s history-making moment, almost entirely with practical effects.
  19. batwoman
    Ruby Rose’s Batwoman Series Is Getting a PilotFire up the signal.
  20. most anticipated 2019
    50 Movies We Can’t Wait to See in 2019Brad Pitt goes to space, It returns, Greta Gerwig debuts her Little Women, and Timothée Chalamet is king.
  21. aquaman
    How James Wan Sent Aquaman UnderwaterJason Momoa’s beard hair was a technical nightmare.
  22. aquaman
    What to Know About Justice League Before Seeing AquamanA recap of the character’s cinematic story so far.
  23. roma
    Roma’s Professor Zovek Was a Real, Completely Bizarre GuyHe was briefly famous, then possibly assassinated.
  24. best of 2018
    The 10 Best Superhero Stories of 2018Featuring Black Panther, multiple iterations of Spider-Man, Mister Miracle, the X-Men, and more.
  25. movies
    The Best Movies You Can’t See (Yet)The 2018 Black List is a look inside the minds of Hollywood’s next great screenwriters. We turned five of their scripts into comics.
  26. roll clip!
    Watch the First 4 Minutes of Runaways Season TwoThey’re finally running away.
  27. spider-man
    Is There a Jewish Spider-Man in Into the Spider-Verse? An InvestigationWe asked the directors.
  28. spider-man
    Into the Spider-Verse’s Credits Scene, ExplainedYou’ll be shocked to hear who shows up to do a voice.
  29. spider-man
    Is Miles Morales Finally Getting His Due As Spider-Man?Even his biggest fans often don’t like his stories.
  30. tis the season
    Why Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Made a Holiday EpisodeAnd why showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa put the nix on Krampus in the Netflix show’s ode to Christmas horror.
  31. superheroes
    Spider-Ham’s Very Unkosher Journey From Joke to Spider-Verse Co-starPeter Porker’s backstory is as bizarre as you’d hope it would be.
  32. oral history
    An Oral History of The Dark Knight’s Pencil TrickNo CGI, but a few bouts of unconsciousness.
  33. best of 2018
    The 10 Best Comics of 2018Featuring Jason Lutes’s Berlin, Nick Drnaso’s Sabrina, Jen Wang’s The Prince and the Dressmaker, and more.
  34. premiere dates
    American Gods Season Two Will Resurrect in MarchWe have the exclusive details.
  35. sequential art
    The Best Comics to Read in December 2018From cyanide milkshakes to leagues of extraordinary gentlemen.
  36. comics
    Chatting With Olivia Jaimes, the Mysterious Cartoonist Behind ‘Nancy’She rarely does live interviews with the press.
  37. creed ii
    Dolph Lundgren’s Long Road Back to Ivan Drago and Creed IIHe was huge. He hit the skids. Is it worth the comeback if he has to revisit the role that was his greatest burden?
  38. ralph breaks the internet
    Ralph Breaks the Internet and the Rise of Mash-up CinemaIt’s not unreasonable to expect that branded mash-ups are on their way to becoming a staple aspect of blockbuster movies.
  39. comics
    The Pseudonymous New Cartoonist Giving ‘Nancy’ a Millennial-Approved UpdateOlivia Jaimes’s savvily modern and surprisingly funny take on the long-running newspaper comic strip speaks for itself.
  40. obits
    Stan Lee Gave More Than He TookThe late comics legend has a tarnished legacy, but it still gleams bright.
  41. documentaries
    Syrian Filmmaker Talal Derki’s Documentary Is Putting His Life at RiskHe profiled a member of the al-Nusra Front — and now they’re after him.
  42. comics
    The 8 Best Comics to Read in NovemberFrom antifa to outer space.
  43. behind the scenes
    How Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Made Its Creepy Opening CreditsThe artist who draws the Chilling Adventures comic also designed the Netflix show’s title sequence.
  44. sequential art
    How Saga Comics Artist Fiona Staples Drew a MasterpieceAn exclusive look at sketches and the script from the first issue.
  45. the industry
    Where Do the Luke Cage and Iron Fist Cancellations Leave Marvel and Netflix?Marvel’s remaining lineup of Netflix shows are grim, dark, and gritty.
  46. behind the scenes
    How Daredevil Filmed Its 10-Minute Prison Fight in a Single Take“It was f—king nuts,” says the showrunner.
  47. sequential art
    Will Cartoonist Julie Doucet Finally Get Her Due?Her essential Dirty Plotte comics are finally being collected, but she says she’s done with the medium.
  48. daredevil
    How Daredevil’s Bullseye Went From Humorous to HorrifyingHe’s become the Joker to Daredevil’s Batman. But he had a weird start.
  49. comics
    Why Did Marvel Fire Comics Writer Chuck Wendig?He’s been an outspoken critic of the GOP and the alt-right.
  50. movies
    Has Hollywood Been Shamed Into Closing the Pay Gap?Scarlett Johansson’s making $15 million for a Black Widow movie.
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