Below Deck — TV Episode Recaps & News

Below Deck

Rockin' the boat.

Photo: Bravo

Ahoy, mateys! This Bravo reality show follows the lives of the people who work on luxurious superyachts. In addition to contending with the normal rigors and challenges of life at sea, the crew (or yachties) must also deal with something far, far more dangerous: every single whim of their super-rich clients.

It’s not all bad, though, as when they’re not hard at work, the yachties are still, you know, on a really, really nice yacht. There’s plenty of fun — and drama — to be had, and Below Deck, now in its 10th season, captures it all.

  1. Episode 17 Reunion
    Below Deck Reunion Recap: Ship to Shore Can the Below Deck cast sustain an hour of television without being forced to perform an endless sequence of chores?
  2. Episode 16 Au Revoir!
    Below Deck Season Finale Recap: All Hail Krystal The season ends with a primary for the ages and an indeterminate amount of personal growth for everyone.
  3. Episode 15 Shame Cocoon
    Below Deck Recap: Captain Lee Saves the Day, Krystal Ruins It Thank the Tahitian gods, Bravo would never end a season as spectacular as this one with easy guests.
  4. Episode 14 All The Glitters Isn’t Gold
    Below Deck Recap: Josiah’s Arc The new primary requests a potpourri of nonsense, including a gold party with a side of mortification for Josiah.
  5. Episode 13 I Said I Got It!
    Below Deck Recap: Anchors Aweigh Kate and Laura continue their feud as Rhylee continues her quest to futz with the slide and anchor.
  6. Episode 12 Check Yourself!
    Below Deck Recap: The Love Boat Is this the horniest, least-competent Below Deck cast ever? Signs point to yes.
  7. Episode 11 Let Them Eat Chicken!
    Below Deck Recap: Who Is Brent? Why is the camera guy with no yachting experience the only person here who knows what to do in a boat-mergency?
  8. Episode 10 Man Overboard
    Below Deck Recap: New Chum The yacht’s newest deckhand makes his inauspicious — and possibly deadly, skeptical question mark? — debut.
  9. Episode 9 Insult To Injury
    Below Deck Recap: Abandon Ship How many of these people can last the season?
  10. Episode 8 Flesh Wounds Are Not Five-Star
    Below Deck Recap: Blood in the Water Chandler’s time may finally be drawing near, thanks to a disastrous beach luau gone awry.
  11. Episode 7 New Kids on the Dock
    Below Deck Recap: Eat, Drink, and Be Wary Caroline’s complaints threaten Adrian’s carefully cultivated vibe — and his food — while Captain Lee has one of his best-ever outbursts.
  12. Episode 6 Get Better or Go Home
    Below Deck Recap: Chandler Is Still Bad at Everything Chandler’s tour of incompetence guides us through a fishing trip, a beach picnic, and an overflowing hot tub.
  13. Episode 5 Naked Smoothies
    Below Deck Recap: Ashton Should Replace Chandler as Bosun Caroline confronts the crew members talking about her behind her back as Chandlers screws up yet again.
  14. Episode 4 Bitch in Charge
    Below Deck Recap: Caroline and Chandler Sitting in a Tree? A beach luau does little defuse some tension between some crew members.
  15. Episode 3 I’m Also a Boat Captain!
    Below Deck Recap: It’s Rhylee Vs. the World Adrian curiously reveals he was “Japanese in another life,” in an episode otherwise dominated by hatred of Rhylee.
  16. Episode 2 Foam, Party of One
    Below Deck Recap: Primary or Dead Body? Chandler is revealed as this season’s raging misogynist in a foam-filled outing.
  17. Episode 1 We’re Not in the Caribbean Anymore
    Below Deck Season-Premiere Recap: Bad Cocktails and Hard Nipples Take Tahiti Captain Lee returns to oversee a new cast of colorful characters on a cruise through the South Pacific.
  1. Episode 18 Big Girls, Do Cry
    Below Deck Season-Finale Recap: Full-Moon Party Captain Lee would rather stay on the yacht and iron his shirt than spend a second on a private beach celebrating the season with this lot.
  2. Episode 17 Let Them Eat Penis Cake
    Below Deck Recap: Who Ordered the Penis Cake? Kevin’s anxiety over producing a phallus-shaped dessert presents Kate with a delicious opportunity for sabotage.
  3. Episode 16 The Scorpion Queen
    Below Deck Recap: Scorpiongate What’s worse than waking Captain Lee in the middle of the night? Waking him with an argument over eating insects.
  4. Episode 15 Public Displays of Affection
    Below Deck Recap: Gray Area We all know Brian is not the man for Courtney, but does she?
  5. Episode 14 Witch-hunt
    Below Deck Recap: Rhylee Cries Witch Hunt Rhylee gets a lot of flak for being sensitive, but you know who’s more sensitive than a flesh wound swollen with bacteria? All the men on this show.
  6. Episode 13 Episode 13
    Below Deck Recap: The End of Kate-Gate We all knew Kate wasn’t going anywhere without a much larger piece of luggage.
  7. Episode 12 Yacht-Pocalypse Now
    Below Deck Recap: Feta Foam Can’t Save Them Now Kevin’s meal may be, in the words of Master Pearson, “laaaaaaame,” but this episode’s series of illogical emotional outbursts definitely is not.
  8. Episode 11 I’m Sorry You Feel That Way
    Below Deck Recap: The True Cost of Ashton’s Splash The only thing worse than blacking out at the Dream Beach Club is waking up to find yourself $1,000 in debt to the Dream Beach Club.
  9. Episode 10 Everyone Hates Kate
    Below Deck Recap: Tanner, the Horror The Below Deck casting directors have a special talent for finding truly dreadful men for this show.
  10. Episode 9 12 Seconds in Heaven
    Below Deck Recap: Tanner Needs to Stop Talking Simone and Tanner seem to have very different reads on their post-blackout hookup.
  11. Episode 8 A Recipe for Disaster
    Below Deck Recap: Rhylee Returns After enduring the pirate-fetishizing guests from hell, the crew celebrates by giving us the first great fight of the season.
  12. Episode 7 Smashton
    Below Deck Recap: The Florida Project Season seven finally hits its stride thanks to some nightmare guests from the Sunshine State, and no thanks to Brian’s exploding knee.
  13. Episode 6 Come Sail Away
    Below Deck Recap: Will Anyone Miss Abbi? The saga of Abbi being allergic to the mere sight of physical labor comes to a swift and tearful close.
  14. Episode 5 Magic Ashton
    Below Deck Recap: Abbi Can Text, but Can She Mop? Rules may not be Abbi’s forte, but complaining sure is.
  15. Episode 4 Weekend at Brandy’s II
    Below Deck Recap: Brandy Snaps Is it hot in here, or is Below Deck just overserving emotionally vulnerable statement-necklace aficionados in Thailand?
  1. Episode 16 Premature Evacuation
    Below Deck Season-Finale Recap: Just Desserts Like everything else in this world, the dramatic ending this season deserved has been cut short by the pandemic.
  2. Episode 15 Don’t Cry For Me Antigua
    Below Deck Recap: Why Can’t We Be Friends? It’s honestly hard to imagine how this crew could continue working together for two more whole charters.
  3. Episode 14 Hide the Salami
    Below Deck Recap: They Ain’t Never Seen Versace Floaties The Siegel family has returned, and they are a handful right from the start.
  4. Episode 13 James’ Big Cannoli
    Below Deck Recap: Flirt Alert Even Eddie is over James and Elizabeth’s nonsense at this point.
  5. Episode 12 Blue Skies and UTI’s
    Below Deck Recap: A Recipe For Drama Rachel crossed a line a while ago, and now there’s nothing fun about watching her dance on the other side.
  6. Episode 11 Blood in the Water
    Below Deck Recap: Sick and Tired and Drunk From Delores jumping again to Rachel’s drunken antics, this episode is full of gasp-worthy moments.
  7. Episode 10 Steamy Vibes
    Below Deck Recap: Off the Deep End We could see this coming the second that Champagne counter popped up onscreen.
  8. Episode 9 The Devil You Know
    Below Deck Recap: Jackassery On a normal night out, James flirting with Elizabeth would be the major plot point, but normal nights out do not feature Rachel getting wasted.
  9. Episode 8 No Way Rosé
    Below Deck Recap: Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler Rachel’s back, with a lot to prove, and boy does she prove it.
  10. Episode 7 Runaway Chef
    Below Deck Recap: Rachel’s Last Stand Her departure is bigger than that preference sheet.
  11. Episode 6 Just Another Day in Paradise
    Below Deck Recap: Dinner and a Show A delicious episode serves up a tasting menu of all the different types of drama this crew has to offer.
  12. Episode 5 Champagne Wishes and Caviar Screams
    Below Deck Recap: Everything Is Fine! There’s definitely some drama simmering in interior right now.
  13. Episode 4 Do Not Disturb
    Below Deck Recap: Sleepwalking It’s the crew’s first beach picnic, and everyone’s setting themselves up for disappointment.
  14. Episode 3 Max and Dax’s Excellent Adventure
    Below Deck Recap: Work Hard, Play Hard Interior trades Izzy for a new stew, and we trade last charter’s terrible guests for a group that’s somehow worse.
  15. Episode 2 There’s No Crying in Yachting
    Below Deck Recap: A Beautiful Mess This episode goes straight into the Below Deck Hall of Fame.
  16. Episode 1 There’s No Place Like Home
    Below Deck Season-Premiere Recap: The Replacements We’re really getting every yachty trope this season, aren’t we? The casting directors outdid themselves.
  1. Episode 14 We Made It, Ya Slags
    Below Deck Recap: The Last Duel A front-loaded season has finally come to an end with a finale that is boring, exciting, painful, and frustrating all at once.
  2. Episode 13 Unfinished Business
    Below Deck Recap: Testy and Tacky It’s the last charter of the season, and the crew is over it!
  3. Episode 12 New Stew on the Block
    Below Deck Recap: New Girls and Old Problems Rayna is a complicated person with complicated emotions about her job. It’s what makes her a good reality-TV character!
  4. Episode 11 Shoulda Joined the Navy
    Below Deck Recap: A Boiling Point A lot of this episode is about what doesn’t happen.
  5. Episode 10 The Smell of Sweat and Desperation
    Below Deck Recap: The Stew Who Couldn’t Stop Talking Heather just keeps talking, even though that’s how she got into this problem in the first place.
  6. Episode 9 When Eddie Met Sally
    Below Deck Recap: The Curse of the My Seanna Drama is brewing as a shorthanded interior scramble during their fifth charter.
  7. Episode 8 Compliments of Captain Lee’s Travel Agency
    Below Deck Recap: Everybody Talks Casual gossip and slurs make their way onto the My Seanna.
  8. Episode 7 Plenty of Jake to Go Around
    Below Deck Recap: The Breast of Times, the Worst of Times Does anyone know what is going on with Jess?
  9. Episode 6 He Kissed a Boy and He Liked It
    Below Deck Recap: Wind Gusts, Thongs, and Drunken Snogging A perfect and hilarious episode of Below Deck. No notes!
  10. Episode 5 Leave Your Emotions at the Cabin Door
    Below Deck Recap: Rough Patches Let’s indulge in a bit of work gossip.
  11. Episode 4 Pissed-On Chickens Can’t Compare
    Below Deck Recap: The Morning After It’s complicated relationships all around tonight!
  12. Episode 3 Bourbon Buffoonery
    Below Deck Recap: On the Rocks Some rich guests get “drunker than a herd of four-peckered goats,” and the crew is thoroughly enthralled.
  13. Episode 2 Boat Daddy
    Below Deck Recap: Oh Captain, My Captain What is this show without the Stud of the Sea himself?
  14. Episode 1 One Step Closer to World Domination
    Below Deck Season-Premiere Recap: Can I Speak to the Manager? Below Deck is back with so much mismanagement!
  1. Episode 17 Oh Captain, My Captain
    Below Deck Season-Finale Recap: Going Out With a Bang So Captain Lee has to be retiring, right?
  2. Episode 16 The Thunder From Down Under Pt. 2
    Below Deck Recap: Playing With Fire Hayley is the patron saint of lost stews.
  3. Episode 15 The Stud Sails Again
    Below Deck Recap: Leigh-Ann’s Making Waves “The plot thickens … This is going to be horrific, isn’t it?”
  4. Episode 14 Big Deck Energy
    Below Deck Recap: Captain Lee’s Comeback Sure, we’re all glad Captain Lee is back and healthy, but the crew is going to miss Captain Sandy!
  5. Episode 13 Another One Bites The Dust
    Below Deck Recap: Bye, Alissa Captain Sandy shuffles the deck.
  6. Episode 12 The Fish Stinks from the Head
    Below Deck Recap: Aye-Aye, Captain Alissa is a dead woman walking the moment she calls Captain Sandy just “Sandy.”
  7. Episode 11 Fraz-zzled
    Below Deck Recap: The Fall of Fraser Fraser, you’re not here to make friends! You’re here to boss some girls around!
  8. Episode 10 Caribbean Gigolo
    Below Deck Recap: Alissa’s Villain Era Now that Camille is gone, Alissa’s worst enemy is herself.
  9. Episode 9 Diary of a Deckie
    Below Deck Recap: Service Needs to Step it Up It’s the end of the Camille era — or is it?
  10. Episode 8 The Captain and Camille
    Below Deck Recap: The Final Straw Camille goes out with a bang.
  11. Episode 7 Eat Me in Seven Different Languages
    Below Deck Recap: Guests Gone Wild We briefly set aside Camille’s antics to welcome in the guests from hell.
  12. Episode 6 There’s No Crying in Yachting, Part 2
    Below Deck Recap: Camille’s Crocodile Tears Even Captain Sandy is at her wit’s end with Camille.
  13. Episode 5 His Watch Has Ended
    Below Deck Recap: Sandy Shores Ahead How do you solve a problem like Camille? Here’s an idea: Fire her.
  14. Episode 4 The Thunder From Down Under
    Below Deck Recap: Captain Lee Sets Sail We all knew this was coming.
  15. Episode 3 The Muff-Truff Experience
    Below Deck Recap: Seasick Is Camille the laziest worker to ever walk the deck?
  16. Episode 2 Deadliest Snatch
    Below Deck Recap: The Lost Boys Alissa and Camille are on a collision course. At least these guests are fun and easygoing.
  17. Episode 1 Love Never Lasts at the Beach
    Below Deck Season-Premiere Recap: New Faces, New Places This crew already has so many red flags. None bigger than deck-stew Camille.
  1. Episode 17 End Of The Line
    Below Deck Season-Finale Recap: Bye Bye Barbie Barbie can’t stand to be around the crew for literally one more night.
  2. Episode 16 Salt In Chef’s Wounds
    Below Deck Recap: Cabin-Inspection Fever This is not how Captain Kerry wanted the season to end.
  3. Episode 15 We’ll Always Have Paris
    Below Deck Recap: Plating and Bowling While there is some micromanaging and flashing, the season is running out of drama.
  4. Episode 14 Disappointing Daddy
    Below Deck Recap: Fraser’s Husband What should have been a joyful episode is weighed down by too many of the men on this show being insufferable.
  5. Episode 13 Happy Captain, Happy Life
    Below Deck Recap: For the ’Gram Barbie can’t trust Kyle and is worried about what her dad will think, and the Yelp Elites are annoying. It’s a rough time for our girl!
  6. Episode 12 Bit of an Ick
    Below Deck Recap: Panini Problems It’s only been six charters, and the St. David has already lost three people.
  7. Episode 11 Royal Rumble
    Below Deck Recap: The Sunny & Ben Show After a lot of flirting and tears, Ben and Sunny get on the same page about their situation.
  8. Episode 10 Grenadian Nightmare
    Below Deck Recap: Paris Peace Talks Is Fraser and Barbie’s issue really that they’re too similar?
  9. Episode 9 The Real Housewives of Grenada
    Below Deck Recap: The Complainer Jill Zarin is the captain now.
  10. Episode 8 Murder on the High Seas
    Below Deck Recap: Vibe Time Our new deckhand’s arrival immediately threatens to disrupt the boat’s established sexual ecosystem.
  11. Episode 7 Cat’s Out of the Bag
    Below Deck Recap: The Purge Jared and Cat bite the dust. We wish them both well!
  12. Episode 6 Love Me Tender
    Below Deck Recap: Barbie Land Drama with her boss and a (sort of) love triangle? Barbie has emerged as this season’s main character.
  13. Episode 5 Come on Eileen
    Below Deck Recap: Queen Drunk Jared’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day gets worse.
  14. Episode 4 It’s Always Sunny in Grenada
    Below Deck Recap: Boom, Boom, Focus I’m not sure what we did to deserve Jared, but he’s an absolute gift.
  15. Episode 3 Breaking Barbie
    Below Deck Recap: Pissed as a Fart Fraser asks Barbie to be nice to Cat, which causes her to be mean to Fraser, as Below Deck law dictates.
  16. Episode 2 Pier Pressure
    Below Deck Recap: The Blame Game There is a baffling lack of communication, considering all the gossiping that’s going on.
  17. Episode 1 New Capt, New Rules
    Below Deck Season-Premiere Recap: What’s a Sook? The entire crew is single, which should make for a combustible season.

More on Below Deck

  1. vulture lists
    Every Below Deck Crew Member, RankedFrom the bosun who got booted before the boat left the dock to the captain who defined the franchise for a decade, they’re all here.
  2. 25 days of reality
    The Traitors’ Kate Chastain Was the Reality TV Anti-Hero of 2023Through her bickering and sabotaging, she became something better than a traitor, a faithful, and a reality star: She became our hero.
  3. man overboard
    Below Deck’s Gary King Accused of Sexual AssaultA production member on Sailing Yacht season four claims the show covered it up.
  4. the bravosphere
    What’s Going Down in Below Deck Down Under?What happened, who got fired, and what it says about Bravo.
  5. chat room
    How Captain Sandy Saved This Season of Below Deck“Anytime, as a captain, you step onto someone else’s crew, it’s never an easy dance.”
  6. chat room
    Kate Chastain Went on The Traitors to Wear Cute Outfits“I didn’t lug two suitcases full of wool jackets from Florida for them not to get on-camera.”
  7. last night on late night
    Below Deck Med’s Natasha Webb Calls Dave White’s Behavior ‘Toxic’ and ‘Messy’Reiterating they “were never in a relationship” on WWHL.
  8. chat room
    The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Finale Was Really Hard for Daisy Kelliher to Watch“I could see that I was seriously contemplating. I just have so much relief in me that I went to bed.”
  9. reality tv
    Below Deck Did a ‘Thorough Investigation’ Into Heather Using the N-WordIt “determined that no further action was required,” Captain Lee said during the reunion.
  10. chat room
    Below Deck’s Rachel Hargrove Blames Her Red Hair for Her Season 9 ShenanigansThe returning chef dishes on Captain Sean versus Captain Lee, working with Eddie, and why everyone loves Jake.
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